Friday, April 30, 2010

Hello All,

I'm writing this from Chicago, where we're performing
HOW THEATER FAILED AMERICA and THE LAST CARGO CULT in a doubleheader until May 9th. We're at Victory Gardens in a fantastic, intimate space—and there are still tickets for some nights available at this link.

After Chicago we will begin a world tour which takes us to the
Sydney Opera House in Australia, Hong Kong, mainland China, and Ireland. We'll be on the road over two months taking the monologues to new audiences everywhere, and hopefully come home with some new stories to share.

If you know folks in Chicago or abroad, please consider letting them know that we'll be in their area. Details of all the upcoming shows can be found at my site, and we'll be making updates from the road...and that link is:

I would close with something pithy in Gaelic, Chinese, and Australian, but I do not speak any of those languages.

Be seeing you,


Sydneyoperahouse Web

2:40 PM