Sunday, May 03, 2009

Good post over at Parabasis. In the comments, Brant of Theatreforte writes:

I don't discount the valuable contributions Mr. Daisey has made to this discourse. But doesn't it undercut his message if he's only willing to rock the boat, but not chart out a better direction? He's a gifted writer, and I would love to hear his thoughts about what to do now that the proverbial consciousness has been raised.

It doesn't undercut any of my work, as I've said in the past, but rather than hashing that out again I'll just cop to something most have suspected, and which colleagues and friends have known for a while:

I'm working on this.

The first steps in this direction are a series of manifestos I'm performing—the first was in February at the PuSh Festival in Vancouver, and the second happens this Wednesday night as the keynote for the SoloNOVA Festival. Some can be seen in some of the writings on this site.

I expect that what I'm working on in this arena will make its way fully to the public in time. It took a number of years for HOW THEATER FAILED AMERICA to fully develop, and I expect that this contribution will take a similar amount of time at least.

Isaac also adds:

I have no problem with Mike not talking about solutions in his work, btw. He's said flat out that's not what he's interested in doing and I thank him for what he's done to raise the problems. But something has to be done to turn this energy into actually thinking about how to change things and then how that change might be accomplished.

I agree entirely, and my hope is that some of the great talking and thinking that has been generated over the last few years is carried forward into action across the country...and I'll be detailing what my plans are, and how I hope to contribute, in time.

11:20 PM