Tuesday, April 22, 2008

If you go to the well-established, venerable site for PS122, here, you'll find that it has been hijacked--this is PS122 today:


"Hijacked" may be a bit strong a word—I suspect that PS122 failed to renew their domain, didn't read any of the disconnect notices, lost the domain and it was immediately re-registered.

If you go to ps122.com, you'll get a partially working version of the site that they have hastily transferred--it's clearly the old site, and many internal links still use the .org domain, and so are broken. So if you'd like tickets to UNTITLED MARS, this is a direct link here.

(To PS122: I love the place, and I always will, but seriously—that's incredibly fucking lame. This is the online equivalent of...fuck, I don't even know what the equivalent is. Shitting on your mailing list and flushing it down the toilet? Cutting all your phone lines while you set booby traps in the doorways to prevent audience members from entering? FUCK.

Just please, PLEASE know that you need to get the domain BACK. You have thousands of links, for years and years of online presence, that point at the hijacked URL. Don't flush that all away, which I fear is what the plan may be...even if it costs a couple hundred dollars, get the .org domain back.)

UPDATE: They're back at the original site--I'm really glad that worked out.

11:46 AM