Wednesday, April 02, 2008

corporate-casual » Blog Archive » April Fool’s Day Pranks Gone Wrong:

Linda M. put cellophane over the toilet seat in the bathroom and waited outside the bathroom door for four and a half hours, barely containing her laughter in anticipation of the frustrated screams. Linda M. lives alone.

Colin R. let the air out of his friend’s tires and then told him that his mother was in the hospital, and he had to get down there right away. His friend’s mother was in the hospital, and it was April 9th.

Pete K. baked a cake for his friend using salt instead of sugar. His friend thanked him for the cake, but was very full from lunch. He never ended up eating any of the cake, and threw the whole thing away without taking a bite. Pete K. is not very good in the kitchen, and the hilarious cake took him many hours to make.

9:32 AM