Friday, April 11, 2008

A "10 questions" interview with me has been posted at Praxis Theatre's website Theatre is can read it here.

They have a tradition of having their first question always be, "What the fuck is going on?"

I have a tradition of answering emailed questions at 3:30 in the morning.

The combination is a little like me channeling Hunter S. Thompson:

1) What the fuck is going on?

The wheels of time grind inexorably forward; our culture intensifies and multiplies, growing more complex as it fragments, while the corporatization of all things is the clear watchword of the age. We say what we say faster and make connections more quickly, but the time to make the leaps is the same – we’re running out of bandwidth, in the dark fiber infrastructure of our collective minds. We live in an age of empire in a time when even the idea of empire is becoming anachronistic, a time of vast injustice that differs from all the other ages of vast injustice only in the new skill with which we mechanize the injustice. We live in a time when it is easy to be faceless, almost required to be egoless against the great crush of people, but where surveillance is clearly growing to be a way of life. Also here is faith, love, honor, loyalty, friendship—the best elements human beings have to offer, still blossoming and blooming against the grain. It is a very interesting time.

The rest of the interview is not quite as peyote-fueled and apocalyptic, and veers occasionally into lucidity.

1:29 PM