Tuesday, November 06, 2007

stevenf.com: Try Again:

What a travesty this Android announcement is. A 34-company committee that's going to oversee the development of a currently non-existent suite of open-source mobile applications to run on as-yet-unspecified hardware. I've never seen so much hot air, and honestly I'm kind of shocked that it came out of Google.

A 34-company committee couldn't create a successful ham sandwich, much less a mobile application suite. It's going to be some half-baked turd undoubtedly based on GPE since that's, you know, better than starting from scratch, right? (Wrong.)

For heaven's sake: Find someone, ONE person, with a unique vision. Lock them in a room with some programmers and a graphic designer. Twenty people, tops. Change the world. Quit re-hashing the same old bullshit and telling me it's new, exciting, or in any way innovative. Be ready to fail, many times, but for love of all that is holy take a stand on something.

7:12 PM