Monday, February 19, 2007

Sharpest O'Toole:

Back Stage: What do you have against groups like the Royal Shakespeare Company?

O'Toole: Apart from the fact that they're very bad? There was a period -- a generation, indeed -- 30-odd years in which the Shakespeare Company and the National Theatre and the Royal Court, all that lot, they were mediocre, which is unforgivable. Mediocrity is just disgusting. Within the last five, 10 years, they've become bad. And that is such a relief.

Back Stage: Do you think they know they're bad?

O'Toole: No, they've got a very high opinion of themselves. They live in an isolated little community. All it is, is a young bunch of mediocrities who are being exploited because they get no money; all the money goes into production or some director's pocket when it's transferred to London.

4:14 AM