Sunday, December 11, 2005

The Stranger - Slog:

This "War on Christmas" bullshit would be amusing if it weren't so fucking scary. This aggrieved/oppressed majority stuff doesn’t just smack of fascism, it is fascism. How did Adolph Hitler get World War II started? By running around claiming that German-speaking people in Czechoslovakia were being persecuted. It was bullshit, but the Brits let Hitler carve up Czechoslovakia in the hopes of mollifying him. And then what did Hitler do? He claimed that all those poor German-speaking people in Poland were oppressed too, and invaded Poland, which launched WWII. So let’s not be too amused by O’Reilly’s “War on Christmas” act. It’s deeply creepy, and it stokes the Christian Right’s bizarre belief/assertion that Christians in America are an oppressed majority. And if we appease the fundies on this, they'll just demand more.
5:22 AM