Friday, February 11, 2005

Arthur Miller173

Arthur Miller has passed away. Here's an interview from The Connection in 2002 with Miller, which I remember being pretty's the last time I heard him speak.

Miller was a giant, though I, like most folks, never cared nearly as much for his later work as the early plays that made his reputation. There's a lot of the later work because Miller never stopped writing--even at 89 he was churning out new plays all the time. Regardless of how history views these works, it is an impressive thing to stay in the saddle that long, and his contributions to young and mid-career playwrights will resonate for years to come.

Miller used to eat at Casserta Vecchia, a restaurant near our apartment. We were already planning on eating there this evening, and now we have more reasons to do so.
3:03 PM